There were a total of five Project Partners in the SEFINS Cluster representing the three different projects which were brought together: RINSE, MEMO and INVEXO. There were also seven Associated Beneficiaries who supported and enhanced the work of their respective Project Partner.
Norfolk County Council (NCC) was the Lead Partner for SEFINS and the RINSE project. NCC hosts the Norfolk Non-native Species Initiative (NNNSI) which was launched in 2008 following growing local concerns about INS.
Associated Beneficiaries
Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Hosted by Suffolk County Council):
Wash and North Norfolk Coast European Marine Site (hosted by Eastern IFCA):
Animal and Plant Health Agency: (Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research) is a dynamic, multidisciplinary and future-oriented research institute of the Flemish government whose core mission is to work toward sustainable agriculture and fisheries in economic, ecological and social terms. They were the lead partner for MEMO Project. Plant Protection Service (Nederlandse Voedsel-en Warenautoriteit, Divisie Landbouw & Natuur) has broad experience of dealing with INS and helped to develop an information system on invasive non-native plant species.
Associated Beneficiaries:
Stichting Het Zeeuwse Landschap:
www.vwa.nlINBO (Research Institute for Nature and Forest) is a lead scientific agency on invasive non-native species in Flanders. Staff have expertise in a wide range of invasive species including American bullfrog and geese.
Associated Beneficiaries:
VLIZ (Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee) Flanders Marine Institute:
www.inbo.beCPIE Authie Valley (Centre Permanent d’Initiatives pour l’Environnement) is experienced in designing and implementing large-scale training and awareness programmes for the public. They have tackled a number of INS including animals and plants.
Associated Beneficiaries:
CPIE FM (Centre Permanent d'Initiative Evironnment Flandre Maritime):