Norfolk County Council (NCC) were the Lead Partner (LP) for RINSE and initiated the project. NCC hosts the Norfolk Non-native Species Initiative (NNNSI) which was launched in 2008 following growing local concerns about INS. University (BU) played a lead role in UK efforts to eradicate topmouth gudgeon, an invasive fish species. Additionally, BU helped to develop decision-making tools for aquaculture, to assess the socio-economic impacts of introducing INS. (Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International) is expert in biological control of INS. They were responsible for developing an Invasive Species Compendium, a one-stop shop for information on over 1,500 INS.
www.cabi.orgCPIE Authie Valley (Centre Permanent d’Initiatives pour l’Environnement) is experienced in designing and implementing large-scale training and awareness programmes for the public. They have tackled a number of INS including animals and plants.
www.cpie-authie.orgNational Plant Protection Service (Nederlandse Voedsel-en Warenautoriteit, Divisie Landbouw & Natuur) has broad experience of dealing with INS and helped to develop an information system on Invasive non-native plant species.
www.vwa.nlHampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust is involved in New Forest Non-Native Plants Project, a multi-agency partnership in the UK. They have worked with local communities to raise awareness of the threats posed by INS. (Instituut voor Natuur – en Bosonderzoek) is a lead scientific agency on INS in Flanders. Staff have expertise in a wide range of INS including American bullfrog and geese.
www.inbo.beInagro (Onderzoek en Advies in Land - & Tuinbouw) acts as an agriculture and environmental communication platform in west Flanders, promoting interaction amongst different stakeholders to develop strategic plans for the control of INS.
www.inagro.beRATO (Rattenbestrijding Oost-Vlaaderen vzw) was originally formed to eradicate muskrat in East Flanders. With substantial field experience in INS, RATO also works to control floating pennywort, parrot’s feather, water primrose, giant hogweed and Canada goose.